We believe immigrant Christians represent one of the greatest hopes for the renewal of the city and the Church in North America

We exist to mobilize the immigrant church, empower the next generation, and partner non-immigrant congregations with the nations here.

 We are a national ministry that catalyzes city and affinity based networks. We facilitate a city network in Austin, an affinity network within the C4SO (Churches for the Sake of Others) network and are in the process of starting a network in Houston.

The Shifting Center of North American Christianity

The center of Global Christianity has shifted to Africa, Asia and Latin America. This same shift is underway in North America to diaspora Christianity. First and second generation immigrants and immigrant churches represent the new spiritual and numerical center of Christianity in our rapidly diversifying global cities.

The future of American Christianity now appears to be a multiethnic community that is largely led by immigrants or the children of immigrants..”

— Tish Warren in a New York Times article describing her visit to a Diaspora Network event


Feel free to contact us with any questions.
